Prior to Shipment
- Fax request for current status.
- Review shipping & payment terms.
- Confirm that Customs Broker has been selected.
- Does Broker have Purchaser's Power of Attorney?
Does Purchaser have Customs Bond (Either Single or
Confirm that supplier will include any Assists in shipment
Confirm that country of origin product marking instructions
are being followed.
Confirm that supplier will use purchaser supplied US Customs
Harmonized Number in shipping description.
- Specify to supplier transportation method and routing
Confirm consignee, notify party, port, & markings and that
buyer will receive copy of shipping papers
- Specify forwarder & broker if not included in P. O.
- Confirm that supplier or forwarder has routing.
- Confirm that transportation has been arranged.
Confirm that freight methods and rates used in original landed
cost estimates are being used.
Confirm that some form of proof of origin will be sent to
purchaser (No longer required for Customs Clearance, but may
be needed for Customs' Audit)
Is an inspection certificate or other certification required &
if so, is it complete.
- Confirm special packaging arrangements.
- Confirm hazardous cargo compliance.
Consider strikes or any other significant International events
that may cause delay.
Confirm that procedure for transportation insurance coverage
is being followed.
After Shipment Leaves Supplier
Confirm that freight forwarder has freight and that booking
was made per routing instructions.
- Confirm shipment is on intended vessel/flight.
- Determine if pre-clear through US Customs is possible.
Check Documents received to insure correct consignee, notify
party, destination and markings.
Confirm forwarder has sent copies of documents to purchaser &
Confirm broker is aware of shipment, has all necessary
documents, and has been given inland shipping instructions.
Prepare info for special clearances such as FDA if required.
- Confirm arrival with broker.
- Confirm Custom clearance with broker
Obtain pro number, trailer number, name & phone number of
inland carrier.
- Confirm inland delivery with inland carrier